
Reduce your tenant risk. Strengthen your tenant position.


eGuarantee replaces bank guarantees as the emerging choice for commercial lease security. Unconditional, irrevocable, on-demand, eGuarantee’s Lease Bond is now accepted by major Australian landlords


eGuarantee replaces bank guarantees as the emerging choice for commercial lease security. Unconditional, irrevocable, on-demand, eGuarantee’s Lease Bond is now accepted by major Australian landlords


eGuarantee replaces bank guarantees as the emerging choice for commercial lease security. Unconditional, irrevocable, on-demand, eGuarantee’s Lease Bond is now accepted by major Australian landlords

How eGuarantee dRisks

Ready to transform your business? a

The time for disruption is now.

Let’s face it, banks have no incentive to change. For decades, they’ve had a monopoly on this security arrangement, so they’re not interested in innovating to provide a fairer service for all. While landlords face risks like fraud and injunction, tenants are denied access to their capital to fuel their business, banks are happy to go along with the status quo.

Your business shouldn’t be.